Coaster Traits

Dengan mengamalkan Glory Principles dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di Rolling Glory, coaster diharapkan memiliki personality traits yang positif.

  • Empathy & understanding - kindness & care

  • Do your best - trust, forte

  • Speak in good & in bad, no speak behind - openness, care

  • Deliver expectations - trust, forte

  • Friendly service - kindness & openness

  • Care for others - care

  • Client satisfaction - serve, care

  • Be the customer of your product - serve, care

  • Empathy & understanding - care

  • Care for others - care

  • Collaborating - open/care

  • Learning from mistakes - open/trust, beta

  • Having fun - kind/care

  • Open communication - open

  • Considerate for others - care/serve

  • Ownership - trust

  • Quality - forte

  • Business Solution - crystal solution

  • Modest User Experience - crystal solution

  • Dazzling Visual - crystal solution

  • Convenient Technology - crystal solution

  • Build for future - forte

  • Continuous improvement - spirit


  • Lead by example - trust & serve

  • Cohesive & Coherence - openness & mutual trust

  • Empowerment - care, serve & openness

  • Servant leadership - serve

  • Mutual trust - mutual trust

  • Considerate for others - kindness

  • Genuinely care - care


  • Creativity - spirit

  • Curiosity - spirit

  • Continuous Improvement - spirit

  • Open-mindedness - openness

Personal Values & Qualities

  • Integrity - trust

  • Care for others - care

  • Responsibility - trust

  • Sense of quality - forte

Last updated